Chamisal Night Pickleball Ladder League

This fun competitive league structured to provide organized evening play for Chamisal members in a social competitive format.  Weekly matches of 4 players are arranged each week based on availability.  There will be multiple matches played at the same designated time and players are free to play randomly after their league matches.  This is a ladder-based format where people can move up and down the ladder, accordingly, playing with other members of their level and have the opportunity to advance up the ladder and play new people.

Format:  Weekly matches based on availability of 3 games to 15 points.  Each player plays with a different partner each game.

I’m not a member of Chamisal, can I play?  This league is for Chamisal members only.  Please see membership options if you wish to participate.

Which Nights are matches played: Based on availability matches will be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings starting at 5:00pm.  If all 4 players wish to move that time and courts are available, they can do so.

What if I will be out of town for a couple weeks:  You will be asked to provide your availability ahead of time and will schedule matches when you are available.

Who decides the 4 players that are playing?  All matches will be arranged by the Pickleball Director based on ladder position.  Example would be 1-4 play, 5-8 play etc., as people move up and down the ladder as well as people are not available for a given week matches will shift but stay in the general order of ladder position.